Daily archives: February 21, 2012

Musketeers Newsletter: Issue #1

Dear all welcome to the first Musketeers’ newsletter.

The club is stronger and bigger than ever, despite being only about five years old. We have 92 members, new runners trying us out each week and a very enthusiastic band of racers. This is the most exciting time to be a Musketeer as you will see as you read on�.

The first major race of the season was the Plymouth Hoe ten-mile attracting 33 Musketeer entries while about 20 completed the January Jaunt.

Our fame is spreading largely by word of mouth aided by our colourful shirts standing out from the crowd at races across the country and here in Plymouth. Neil and Caroline have done their patriotic best, Neil won the Run Britain series and Caroline did excellently in the women’s section.

Cross Country is spreading in popularity with a small but loyal band taking part in the Westward League Country series which has seen the men and women’s teams in respectable mid-table. The last event was especially tough at Bovey Tracey on Sunday 12th February with Mark and Nicole, two Sarahs O and A, Guy, Dave and Neil.

The more adventurous of us are training for the 20-odd mile Grizzly in March. A good turn-out is expected for the Mad March Hare and many are trainingfor the Plymouth Half, confidence boosted by the Hoe 10 race.

The newly revamped web site is looking good thanks to the new web master Nicole. Members are encouraged to use it, especially to see the colourful photo gallery and training dates.

Even if you are not training for anything specifically, like races, training is great for overall fitness, meeting new Muskies you might not otherwise talk to on club nights and for chatting to runners from other Plymouth area clubs. This is true of Saturday track training at Brickfields. As Donna so eloquently put it, this is not for elite runners, fasties or racing snakes. Anyone is welcome and encouraged of all speeds and whether racing or not. Donna enjoyed it and it certainly makes training rewarding and fun. The session lasts about one 1.5 hours and includes an excellent warm-up. Maybe you might just want to come for the warm-up which takes place on a field. Whatever you do, it is done at your pace and no one else’s speed. This is not a competition or race in any way. So give it a go and come with a friend of similar ability from 10am.

Last year was full of social events and this year will be no different. The first move is to appoint a social secretary to cope with the extra membership.

In order for Musketeers to remain a happy and contented bunch the club has appointed Dave and Miranda as new welfare officers.

Having built the foundations of a strong and thriving friendly club the committee is looking to the future to ensure the Musketeers is recognised as a centre of excellence. Part of this includes accreditation to Plymouth City Council which is the next move.

NEXT EDITION: Please let Guy know if you want anything included in the next edition of the newsletter such as spot the ball or spot the runner.